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Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act Information

The federal 揭露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案 (克莱利法案)要求公立和私立的学院和大学参与 在联邦学生援助项目中披露校园安全信息,并强制执行 处理性暴力事件和紧急情况的某些基本要求 situations.

犯罪统计数据和安全政策摘要的披露只做一次 每年在年度保安及消防安全报告,以及有关具体信息 《博彩网址大全》在全国范围内持续向公众提供 year.

《博彩网址大全》是为了纪念珍妮·克莱里而命名的,她被强奸并被谋杀 1986年4月5日,一位不认识的同学在宿舍房间里拍了一张照片. Her parents 支持要求公开校园犯罪信息的法律,以及联邦政府 现在以他们女儿的名字命名的法律于1990年首次颁布. It has been amended 二十年来定期跟上校园安全的变化,与时俱进 最近一次更新是在2013年,扩大了法律对处理的要求 of sexual violence. Learn more at

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

On Oct. 每年1月1日,《博彩网址大全》按规定发布 珍妮·克莱里披露了校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计数据 Act, also known as the Clery Act. An email is sent out campus-wide advising that the 报告已发布,并提供了该报告的直接链接.


2023 Scott Law Center Annual Security Report (PDF)

2023 Center for Aviation Science Annual Security Report (PDF)

2023 Reis生物站年度保安及消防报告(PDF)

Crime Log

每日犯罪日志的目的是记录所有犯罪事件,并指控 犯罪事件,报告给博彩网址大全系 公共安全(DPS),发生在博彩网址大全明确的地理边界内 main campus and the School of Law.

Crime log case numbers do not run sequentially. DPS assigns a case number for all reportable activities, both criminal and noncriminal. Only case numbers generated 犯罪活动都列在犯罪记录中并按时间顺序列出来 order with the most recent crimes listed at the top.

根据联邦法律,一个机构可以扣留任何必要的领域 entry, i.e. 下列情形之一者,其性质、日期、时间、地点或处置 conditions apply:

  1. The disclosure is prohibited by law
  2. 如果披露会危及受害者的隐私
  3. 如果披露会危及正在进行的刑事调查或安全 an individual
  4. If disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
  5. If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence

最近60天期限的电子版可以在网上找到. Hard copies 在马文和哈琳公寓114室的DPS办公室可以找到这些日志 Wool Center, 3545 Lindell Blvd., or at the School of Law, 100 N. Tucker Blvd., during normal business hours. Any request for the logs that are older than 60 days will be 可在收到要求后的两个工作天内到DPS进行现场视察 office.

View 博彩网址大全's Daily Crime and Fire Log

Campus Security Authority Training Video and Assessment

所有被指定的博彩网址大全员工,学生和志愿者 作为校园安全管理局(CSA)必须完成年度校园安全管理局 training.  The training is now accessed through CleryEdge software.  To get access 有关培训计划,请联系紧急事务助理主任迈克尔·帕金森 management and Clery compliance, at 314-977-7129 or

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Reporting Form

为了协助博彩网址大全遵守联邦授权的克莱里法案, 报告表格只应由校园保安部门(CSA)使用 report crimes to DPS.

其他所有人应直接联系DPS,拨打314-977-3000提交报告. All CSAs 是否被鼓励立即举报罪行,以便警务处评估是否能及时发出警告 should be issued. 根据克莱里法案,如果学生, 员工或第三方将涉嫌犯罪的信息提请注意 ,而CSA相信该报告是善意作出的. DPS will use the 为将犯罪分类以纳入博彩网址大全年鉴而提供的信息 Security and Fire Safety Report.

Report a Crime

Student Travel Reporting Form

根据克莱利法案,博彩网址大全必须每年披露一次 根据某些报告的犯罪统计数据,发生在大学主办/安排 domestic and international student trips. Community members who are administratively 负责国内及国际学生的旅行报告 trip information to DPS for compliance.

学生旅行必须满足一定的要求,才能进行报告. 博彩网址大全 must 对旅行或项目住宿和任何相关的学术空间有控制权 used in conjunction with the trip. Control, as defined by the Clery Act, means that 大学之间有直接的书面协议(无论多么非正式) and the end provider for use of the space. In addition, the controlled space must 用于直接支持或与该机构的教育目的有关 and frequented by students. Some examples of a written agreement include renting hotel 房间,租赁公寓,租赁空间在学生宿舍设施或学术 在另一个校园的空间,甚至是一个免费使用空间的电子邮件协议. 宿舍通常不报告,除非书面协议给予大学 control over the space within the accommodation.

DPS需要有关合格学生旅行的信息,以便与当地进行后续工作 law enforcement agency associated with the trip location. DPS will need to request 犯罪统计数据从当地执法机构,以确定是否有克莱里法案 符合条件的犯罪在我们控制的时间段内发生在这些地点 the space.

请在旅行结束后提交此表格,以确保您有完整的信息,包括 specific rooms and suites occupied. If you have questions, contact Michael Parkinson, Clery compliance coordinator, at 314-977-7129 or

Student Travel Reporting Form

Clery Crime Definitions

General Crimes

  • 谋杀和非过失杀人是故意(非过失)杀死一个人 human being by another.
  • 过失杀人是指因重大过失致他人死亡. (Does not include traffic fatalities.)
  • 抢劫是指从看护、监护、 或以武力或武力威胁或暴力控制一个人或几个人,及/或由 putting the victim in fear.
  • 严重攻击是指一个人为了某种目的而对另一个人进行的非法攻击 of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is 伴随着使用武器或可能造成死亡或巨大身体伤害的手段 harm.
  • 入室盗窃是指非法进入建筑物实施重罪或盗窃.
  • 机动车辆盗窃是指盗窃或企图盗窃机动车辆.
  • 纵火是任何故意或恶意焚烧或企图焚烧,无论是否有意 骗取,住宅,公共建筑,机动车辆或飞机,个人 property of another, etc.

Sex Offenses

  • 强奸:对阴道或肛门的任何身体部位的插入,无论多么轻微 在未经同意的情况下,对他人的性器官进行口交 of the victim.
  • 抚摸:为了某种目的而触摸另一个人的身体私处 性满足,未经受害者同意,包括 受害者由于其年龄或自身原因而无法表示同意 temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
  • 乱伦:有亲属关系的人之间的非强制性交 wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
  • 法定强奸:与法定强奸犯发生非强制性的性行为 age of consent.

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking

  • 家庭暴力是现任或前任配偶犯下的重罪或轻罪 or intimate partner of the victim; by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; by a person who is cohabitating or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner; by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim 根据家庭暴力或家庭暴力法所犯罪处的司法管辖区 of violence occurred; or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who 是否受家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法的保护 the jurisdiction in which the crime occurred.
  • 约会暴力是由处于或曾经处于一种社会关系中的人实施的暴力 of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. (Under Missouri law, dating violence is a form of domestic violence.
  • 跟踪是指针对某一特定目标的一系列行为(两个或两个以上的行为) 一个人会让一个理智的人担心他的安全 safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.

Hate Crimes

仇恨犯罪是对人或财产实施的刑事犯罪 motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias. Bias is a preformed negative 基于种族、性别、宗教、 残疾、性别认同、性取向、种族或国籍.


  • 盗窃是指非法拿走、携带、领走或骑走财产 from the possession or constructive possession of another. (Constructive possession 一个人没有实际监护权或占有的情况,但是 is in a position to exercise dominion or control over a thing).
  • 简单攻击是指一个人对另一个人进行非法的身体攻击 罪犯展示了武器,受害者也没有遭受明显的严重或加重 身体伤害包括明显的骨折,牙齿脱落,可能的内伤, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness.
  • 恐吓是指非法地将他人置于对身体伤害的合理恐惧之中 通过使用威胁的语言和/或其他行为,但不表现出来 a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.
  • 破坏/损坏/故意破坏财产是指故意或恶意破坏、损坏、 未经所有者同意污损或以其他方式损害不动产或个人财产的 or the person having custody or control of it.
Clery Geography

《博彩网址大全》要求博彩网址大全公开克莱利犯罪的依据 where the crimes occur. These property designations are known as “Clery Geography.” 《博彩网址大全》指定了三个地理类别的报告. Crimes that 发生在三个地理类别之外的情况不受《博彩网址大全》的约束 年度报告要求或向社区通报要求.

  • 校内财产:校内财产是指学校拥有或控制的财产 and is within the same generally connected area. This includes academic and administrative buildings, unions, and athletic and event facilities. A subset of “on campus” is “on-campus residential housing.” This includes 博彩网址大全 residence halls.
  • 非校园财产:这是由博彩网址大全拥有或控制的财产,被使用 直接支持,或与博彩网址大全的教育使命有关的,经常是 学生使用,一般不与主校区相连. This includes property owned or controlled by a registered student organization.
  • 公共财产:公共财产包括大道、街道、人行道和停车场 校园内或紧挨着校园或可到达校园的设施 on-campus property. The Department of Education uses a “sidewalk/street/sidewalk” 在大多数情况下确定公共财产边界的规则.