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Emergency Notifications

博彩网址大全很早就认识到交流的重要性 of crisis.  The ability to communicate quickly and effectively provides the best possible opportunity to safeguard the well-being of the campus community. 

博彩网址大全 utilizes the RAVE Alert and RAVE Guardian emergency notification systems to deploy this critical information quickly. These systems are available to all faculty, staff, and students. Visitors and contractors can opt in to receive emergency alerts only.

Types of Notifications

博彩网址大全将根据后续紧急情况的类型以各种方式进行通信 the University's Emergency Notification Policy (PDF).  这三种通信类型是博彩网址大全警报(文本),及时警告(电子邮件), and public safety advisories (email).  In every case, an evaluation of the circumstances 将进行,以确定是博彩网址大全警报,及时警告,还是公共安全 advisory is required and/or appropriate. Notifications will be issued and shall be 持续更新,直到确定威胁已被控制或终止. 

博彩网址大全 Alert Emergency Notification

博彩网址大全公共安全部门将立即通知 校园社区一经确认发生重大紧急或危险情况 在校园内对校园社区的健康或安全造成直接威胁的. 严重犯罪、自然灾害或人为紧急情况造成直接威胁时 对博彩网址大全社区或博彩网址大全社区的一部分人的健康和安全 克莱利法案要求该机构立即通知校园社区或 segment of the community. This communication will typically be a text alert, blast email and/or automated phone call. Depending on the circumstances, other communication 可以使用社交媒体、数字标牌和校园网站等选项.

博彩网址大全警报通知校园社区将立即采取的行动步骤 safety. These steps include:

  • Use Caution: If you are in the area, use caution and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid Area: Stay away from the area.
  • Shelter in Place: Stay where you are until an all-clear is given.
  • Evacuate: Follow your building evacuation procedure to evacuate the building.
  • Run, Hide, Fight: If you can safely leave the area, leave. If you are unable to leave the area safely, find a safe and secure location to hide. If you are left with no other option, use materials at your disposal to fight the active threat.

Timely Warning

当出现构成克莱利法的情况时,将及时发出警告 crime that occurs within the Clery geography of the University. Situations reported 到校园安全部门或当地执法部门都会提示发放 如果大学认为他们构成严重的,持续的,及时的警告 or continuing threat to the campus community. This communication will be via a blast email to the 博彩网址大全 community.

Public Safety Advisory

如果情况没有上升到造成严重或持续威胁的程度 to the University community (ex. a pattern of larcenies or vandalism cases) or occurs 在大学的地理边界之外,公共安全咨询可以 be issued to the community. This communication will be via a blast email to the 博彩网址大全 community. The PSA, although not a requirement of the Clery Act, will be used as an 大学采取额外通知程序,以促进安全及提供资料 for incidents that are not required by the Clery Act. In addition, a PSA may also be distributed for other safety concerns (ex. mulch fires, weather-related information, school closings, etc.).

How to Sign Up for 博彩网址大全 Alerts

博彩网址大全警报紧急通知系统允许大学联系学生, 教职员工和访客在几分钟内通过多种媒体选项:文本 messages, cell phones, landlines, emails and digital signage. The 博彩网址大全 community can register for alerts or update contact information through my博彩网址大全.

Sign in at and click on Banner Self-Service. Under the "Personal Information" tab, click on 登入“校园紧急事件通知系统”连结,并填写所需资料. You can enter up to three cell phone numbers, landlines and email addresses each.
Sign in at and click on Workday. Enter your cell number(s) for the 博彩网址大全 Emergency Notification System. Visit the Workday job aid library for more information. 
Campus Contractors and Visitors
 那些与大学无关的人可以通过短信收到博彩网址大全警报信息 "博彩网址大全ALERT" to 77295. This is ideal for contractors, parents of summer campers, and other visitors who would like to receive emergency alerts. It is important to understand 当你选择加入这个系统时,你会一直留在这个系统里,除非你 opt out by texting "Stop 博彩网址大全ALERT".

How to Sign Up for RAVE Guardian

博彩网址大全社区成员可以下载一款名为Rave的免费安全应用程序 Guardian to travel more safely on and off campus. Rave Guardian leverages mobile technology to turn smartphones into personal safety devices. The app enhances safety in several ways. In addition to an alert inbox and a 911 call button that shares the user’s GPS location, the app includes a safety timer. If a safety timer expires, the user’s guardians will be notified. Guardians can be added as contacts, and the app allows group messaging and photo sharing.

该应用程序还通过匿名提示短信促进DPS和用户之间的交流. 该应用程序允许用户将可疑活动匿名发短信给司法部 Public Safety, including photos.

The Rave Guardian app allows users to:

  • Call 911 with one touch right from the app.
  • Call DPS directly from the app. When a student sets up a profile in advance, DPS will 如果他们无法与调度员通话,请查看他们提供的详细信息 the student calls.
  • 与可以充当“监护人”的朋友和家人建立一个安全网络 whom they can communicate directly or via group messaging.
  • 出发时启动安全计时器,估计到达目的地所需的时间 to a destination. If the timer runs out before they arrive, a chosen guardian is notified so they can call to check on the student.
  • 轻松提交犯罪提示或报告可疑活动-匿名,如果他们喜欢 — to DPS via text message. Their tips can include photo attachments.

Rave Guardian应用程序可以通过搜索在苹果或谷歌Play商店下载 for “Rave Guardian.”

View RAVE Guardian Video Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I subscribe to 博彩网址大全 Alert?
没有人能预测校园里什么时候会发生紧急情况,或者你会在哪里 happens. 如果您有手机,博彩网址大全提醒短信将提供紧急,时间敏感 information directly to you, whatever your location. 
I did not receive a 博彩网址大全 Alert text when it was issued, what should I do?
Please verify you are enrolled in the 博彩网址大全 Alert system. Contact your cell phone provider and confirm they will accept the emergency messages. Email 并提供您的信息(姓名,博彩网址大全电子邮件,手机号码),我们将查看 into it.
I am a parent, can I get 博彩网址大全 Alert notifications?
You can have your student add your phone number and/or email to their account. They 可以在他们的?中列出最多三个手机号码和三个电子邮件地址 account. Parents also have the option of using the "opt-in" system by texting "博彩网址大全ALERT" to 77295. 
及时的警告说犯罪发生在几个小时前,为什么我现在才被 notified?
有许多因素可能导致犯罪发生之间的延迟 and when you are notified. Crimes are not always reported to the DPS right when they occur and sometimes are reported hours or even days after the crime occurred. Crimes 向合作执法机构报告的案件通常也会在 a later date. The University aims to notify the campus community as soon as pertinent 有关所报告的犯罪的信息是可用的,例如发生了什么,在哪里 it happened and when. 
我听说校园里发生了一起严重的犯罪事件,但我没有得到及时的警告 notification about it. Why?

如果部门逮捕了这些人,DPS不会及时发出警告 博彩网址大全社区成员面临的迫在眉睫的危险已经减轻 by the apprehension.

此外,如果报告没有提交给DPS,校园安全部门,或当地 以一种允许部门发布“及时”警告的方式执法 for the community. A general guideline will include a report that is filed more than 10 days after the date of the reported incident. This type of situation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Will I get spam or advertisements?
No, you will only receive Saint Louis University emergency communications. The University 不会将该系统用于任何其他与校园有关的业务,如体育成绩, registration reminders, etc. 
How do I unsubscribe?
您不能选择不接收发送到您的slu指定电子邮件地址的紧急邮件; 但是,您可以通过登录Banner(学生)或Workday取消订阅您的手机 (employee) and updating your information. You may also stop messages directly through your phone by texting the word STOP to 77295.
Who will have access to my information?
为博彩网址大全警报输入的信息将仅用于通知目的. Your information will be accessible to a small number of University employees. Our 通知服务供应商RAVE Mobile Safety也将有权访问您的信息 and operates under tight security.
Does the service cost anything to use?
 Subscribing to emergency text messages is free. However, your cell phone carrier may charge you to receive text messages. Please check with your phone company for details.
How do I edit the phone number used for 博彩网址大全 Alerts?
学生可以通过登录Banner并更新自己的信息来编辑/更新自己的号码.  员工可以通过登录Workday并更新自己的号码来更新自己的信息. 


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